What is the purpose of Pekudas Sara?
Uncle Dovid’s original intention was that those in shidduchim to daven for others in shiduchim, which carries a special zchus. We have expanded this to invite all family members to daven for those in shidduchim.
Who should submit their name to be included in the davening list?
Any member of the Greenberg family who is currently looking for a shidduch.
If I add my name to the list for tefillah am I committing myself to daven for 40 days?
No. You can add your name and we will daven for you, regardless of if you join or not.
How can I submit my name?
What do I have to do to be part of the “davening” group?
Dedicate one tefillah a day (it can be something additional, or what you already regularly daven) to the zechus of shidduchim for our family. During that tefillah, specifically ask for success in shidduchim and recite the names on the list. The commitment is for 40 days beginning the second night of Chanukah. If possible, please join formally by letting us know.
Website: pedkudassarah.com
Email: pekudassarah@gmail.com
Text or Phone: Bashi Schiff at 917-6931075
What tefillah should I say?
It’s completely up to you, but it should be said daily. For your convenience, we have included the Yehi Ratzon for finding a zivug here.
How will I remember every day?
We hope that the power of the commitment will help everyone remember, but we understand that everyone is busy, so we are offering daily email/ text reminder to anyone who would like to be included. You can check the box for reminders when you Join online, or let us know by email that you would like daily reminders.
What if I can’t make a commitment at this time but I still want to daven?
The list is available to any member of the family who would like to daven for success in shidduchim any time they daven or say tehillim.
What else can I do to help?
Although this initiative is focused on tefillah, hopefully it will also create an awareness in the family of who is in shidduchim. In the future we are hoping to supplement this initiative with a networking/information-sharing effort.
Can I submit a name on someone else’s behalf, with their permission?
Of course! However, to avoid duplicates, please first check the list to make sure that it is not already there.
Do I need to say the actual names?
It is more ideal to say the actual names, but it is not required. Having a dedicated thought to be in the zchus for Greenberg grandchildren is sufficient. The specific names are only said during the week, not on Shabbos.